Monday, January 24, 2011

Friendship my ass!

WOW, so tonight I realized something that I knew about, I was aware of, but tonight it all makes so much sense.
Friendship is fake! There's no reason to be friends with someone if you have NOTHING to gain from them. I'm not talking about material gain only, but anything and everything we can benefit from such as; love, affection, money, activities, fun times etc...
When you think you know someone, you better think about it twice " Why am I friends with this person, what does he/she want from me, why is he/she nice to me?" These are questions I live by. To some of you it might seem like a bad thing or a negative way of viewing others, but as far as I know, it makes perfect sense.
When you are "friends" with someone one moment and the next instant it's all over because of a little quarrel, you can tell that it was all just an act.

So to whomever it may concern, GO FUCK YOURSELF AND GO BE FAKE ELSEWHERE.,

Bored out of my mind.

So, I'm now in my work training class for this new job I got this past week. It's boring and far.... I honestly don't know if I'll be able to stay here. Gaaahhh I hate working it's unbelievable. Anyway so I'm trying to stay here for as long as I can, the training is paid anyway so it doesn't matter. However I won't be staying here very long. Unless I get a raise out of nowhere. Bah w'll see how it goes. But I'll start looking for something else downtown or anywhere closer to my house.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why I am the way I am

Many of you know me for being an angry person and complaining a lot about almost anything and everything. Also you may be aware that I've got a HUGE 'Bubble'. By bubble I mean how it is very tough for me to get offended by anything or anyone. However, I can handle almost anything anyone has to say to me, but a lot of you aren't that way. Some get offended for the littlest things and others for the dumbest thing. This annoys the fuck out of me because I don't understand why it is the way it is. I simply don't "get it" how someone can't take a joke or a comment of whatever nature.

As a child, I was told ' Don't do to others, what you don't want others to do to you' which, if you think about it, makes lots of sense. To me though, because I don't care about much, I do and say things sometimes that I might not see as offending 'TO ME' but to an other it may be more than I can imagine.

I've heard people call me a Jerk or a heartless guy, but truly I really am not, I'm just at a complete other level when it comes to "tact" in which I mean I have none. I offend people left and right without ever doing it on purpose and THAT, is what I need to work on.

I'm sorry to all the people I've treated like 'shit' according to your own standards.


I'll keep this one short and simple.

People that don't give a fuck about other's lives should burn slowly and have their balls shoved up their anus.
If you feel like I just described you than FUCK YOU TOO!!!


Ok so this morning I'm getting ready to leave for my second day of work and so I'm rushing to not miss my bus.So it's 7:50am I'm leaving my house and what do I see at the bus stop I was going to wait at ? THe DAMN BUSS~ So Not only did the bus driver get there 5 minutes to early, because it was supposed to be there at 7:55am, But check this out.

The light was RED, The bus driver decides to be an idiot and he drives off to the end of the street corner getting ready to turn right at the light. I get there while the light is still Red and I knock at the door. You'll never guess what happened, THe MOTHER FUCKER tells me, " The bus stop is over there" Can you believe the balls this guy has to deny me entry ?

So am I just off here or is this fucked up ?  The bus is supposed to be at the stop at 7:55 so WTF and at least if you're at a red light, wait AT THE STOP and not at the corner of the street that's fucking stupid. So after he denied me I bitched at him I told him this " Are you fucking serious ? You're denying me entry and you don't even give a shit? Why the fuck don't you let me in ? The stop is over there not here. FUCK YOU !! and Smashed the door.  I can't believe what he did.

So tomorrow morning I'm going at the stop at 7:30 and gonna wait there untill I see him again, and if I do OH GOD HELP me I will Cause soooo much shit for him ... FUCK!!!!

now my hand hurts :( Again. lol

Monday, January 10, 2011

I will never understand.

Haven't written in a while, so for my 2 readers, G IS BACK!!! ahem*

So, I was on the bus tonight going back home from a friend's place, and in the bus I noticed people
walking from the complete end of the bus to the front, in order to get off. My question to them, WhyTF do
you sit in the back when you're exiting from the front ? How stupid is that? When I walk in a bus, I spot a
seat to sit in, wait, ring the bell, get up and walk out the closest door. I simply don't understand people sometimes.

Anyway, tonight i'm standing in the middle of the bus, because I didn't feel like sitting. This obese lady walks
all over me to get to the front of the bus. I thought of tripping her, but that's not how I roll.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Old timers, it's time to go.

I'm so pissed off at old people that have absolutely no knowledge of Electronics and such.
Ok so what I lower and increase the heating from time to time, doesn't mean it's gonna break. People need to learn tat a switch, dial, knob ISN'T Gonna break just because you turn it often. Stupid fucks. Always blaming others due to their lack of knowledge. Sigh* Electronics brake it's life, just like old people die part of a cycle.

So next time you touch something and it just so happens that it suddenly breaks, doesn't mean it's your fault.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Strangers and their annoying dirty looks.


I was out at a club this past week with some good friends of mine for some good times. There were at least 200 people if not more, drinking, dancing and screaming their faces off. Simply put it was a good time for everyone there.

Here's the catch. I didn't enjoy myself very much. Allow me to explain what I mean. When someone goes out to a club or a bar, they expect to have a good time, enjoy the music, meet new people and party the night away. Unfortunately for me that didn't quite go as planned.
I arrived there at around 10, thought to myself " Only cool people are late" Obviously I'm still living in a fantasy world, but that's besides my point. I go upstairs and saw some old friends and I gotta say, it felt good to embrace people that matter in my life. But that's where the good times ended.
I'm a VERY VERY complicated Man, I know what I like and if I don't have it my way then it's simply not gonna happen. The music was horrid imo, the people were dressed in a way that annoyed my eyes, if you now what I mean. In the state that I am I can't dance or do more than try to meet new people.

Let me ask you something. As a woman/girl. WHY THE FUCK do you ALWAYS think that because a guy tries to start a conversation with you or is acting nice towards you, that he wants to do sexual acts to your face? It makes it so much harder to meet people. Paranoia is something I noticed a lot of people have in this society that we live in. Who is he, why is he looking at me, omg he's walking towards me, where's my pepper spray...  Give strangers the benefit of the doubt that maybe perhaps he's a good person.

I just read through everything and realized i'm not making sense... lol But I don't really care because it's 4 in the morning and I should be sleeping now.

Last words: Be who you want to be and change for no one else other than yourself. Love what you love because you love it not because someone you love loves it. ^^


Thursday, August 12, 2010

The cure

So today I met the most awesome strangers at the E.R while I was wating to see a doctor. These two girls I was talking with while waiting, made me realize something that I had before this moment thought not of.

When you feel like shit, PINPOINT The problem, and whatever it is, Fix it. You must do anything in your power to find a way of surmounting it. If you're sick, well , you take meds. If you're feeling down, listen to music. Samething with every other problem in life. Just do what you need to find the cure from the source. Key word here is Source.

Thanks to those two lovely ladies =) I feel like a new man.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Isn't Life great?


So this past week was really hard on me for many reasons, but I don't think it's enough to get me down because I am after all A big bad-ass man =D...

I'm gonna keep this short and simple. My back started hurting again after a few weeks of relaxation. The surgery like most of you know, didn't go as well as hoped.So anyways the pain is back and it's mentally frustrating to still after YEARS of this bullshit not to be able to do sports.

After a few days of being down, 2 friends of mine made me realize 2 things. As long as I'm not dead, life still goes on and complaining about my miseries won't change a damn thing.

The latter is that I need to just be positive, be happy and enjoy the things that I DO have in life. And, that's what I'm going to focus on this year. =)